Referrals and Partnerships

5 Things In a Home Care Vendor That Make CFI Case Managers’ Lives Easier

CFI case managers have a lot on their plate. To ensure that their clients receive the highest quality care, they navigate the complexities of the Choices for Independence (CFI) Medicaid Waiver program and do so much more. For instance, they strive to find competent, well-aligned vendors that can timely and reliably take over different aspects of the clients’ care.

This article is the result of years of experience—first as CFI case managers and later as home care managers overseeing clients, caregivers, and operations. We’ve identified the top five areas where we’ve focused our efforts, all aimed at simplifying the essential tasks of our dedicated CFI case managers.

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We strive to be the trusted partner families turn to for reliable and compassionate care in the comfort of their own homes. We also support Family Caregivers to get paid for the care they already provide.